RiskNIS Workshop No 1: Seveso II Directive – EU Guidance and supports

Radionica br. 1:

Direktiva Seveso II - EU preporuke i podrška za primenu

August 27, 2007. NIS Petrol o.d. Jugopetrol, 11070 Novi Beograd,
Milentija Popovića br. 1, Kongresna sala

The area of industrial safety, involving possible HSE (Health, Safety,Environment) impacts of industrial plants is a major concern in Serbia, where an effort is currently under way to introduce and align the national regulation with the EU ones (Seveso II, IPPC and others).
Oblast industrijske sigurnosti uključujući i uticaje industrijskih postrojenja na zdravlje, sigurnost, okolinu (HSE) je glavni interes Srbije u kojoj su upravo u toku napori na uvođenju i usklađivanju nacionalnih propisa sa evropskim (Seveso II, IPPC i drugi)

The workshop is organized withing the collaboration of Steinbeis Foundation
( ) and NIS  Petroleum Industry of Serbia (http://www.nis.yu/) in the project Risk management and use of risk-based approaches in inspection, maintenance and HSE analyses of NIS a.d. plants ( ).
Skup se organizuje u okviru saradnje Steinbeis Fondacije i Naftne Industrije Srbije u  projektu „Upravljanje rizikom i korišćenje pristupa zasnovanih na riziku u inspekciji, održavanju i HSE analizama u postrojenjima NIS a.d“


The main purpose of the workshop is to present EU guidance for implementation of Council Directive 96/82/EC, so-called Seveso II Directive and conditions and complementing efforts to improve European industrial safety policies through PPP-projects. For the detais see the program of the workshop.
Osnovni cilji radionice je da da se predstave preporuka EU za primenu direktive 96/82/EC, odnosno direktive Seveso II i PPP projekti u funkciji poboljšanja industrijske sigurnosti u Evropi. Za detalje pogledajte program radionice.


Registration deadline expired.