for Petrochemical plants

… integrates all relevant aspects of risks in petrochemical plants: RBI (Risk-based Inspection), RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance), RCFA (Root Cause Failure Analysis) and HSE/HSSE (Health, Safety, Environment / Security), as a company-wide Intranet-Extranet-based platform. Includes risk monitoring, assessment and management as well a all levels staff involved (inspectors, operators, high-level management … )

RBM (Risk Based Management), RBI, RCM, RCFA, HSE and HSSE systems allow to include safety, environmental, business and reliability considerations into the decision making process and, thus, provide better targeting of resources and improving the results of the run-replace-repair decisions, as well as in the overall operation, safety, inspection and maintenance.

This is accomplished by considering the risks of possible undesirable events, the risk itself being expressed as the likelihood of the event (in a given scenario) multiplied by its probable consequences. Properly developed, implemented and used, the RBI, RCM, RCFA and HSE/HSSE systems help to significantly optimize plant key performance indicators (KPIs) and assure safe, economical and, hence, competitive operation.